We offer pure and authentic treatment to rejuvenate the body. The unique treatment result may vary depend on the person to person body and their body type(dosha), identifying the underlying factors in the ailment.

Panchakarma Treatment is the ancient system of ayurvedic detoxification and rejuvenation therapies designed to facilitate the removal of deep-rooted stresses and toxins in physiology. It is a crucial part of Ayurveda which helps achieve a balanced state of body, mind and consciousness through detoxification and rejuvenation. It is a process that involves 5 methods to balance the doshas in your body and rejuvenate indicate treatment or action.

In this fast running daily lifestyle, so proper diet is mandatory to accumulate a lot of waste circumstance from the body which is known as ‘ama’. This is also famous with the name toxins and they are harmful to the body. Panchakarma therapy removes these toxins so that your body is protected from disease.

                                                               Panchakarma Center

This treatment is different from person to person body. It is specific to individuals and varies according to your dosha imbalance, age, strength. Immunity levels etc.

So before doing the treatment is better to consult physicians/doctor to know about your body dosha and its imbalances in detail.

Panchakarma is divided into three phases:-

1. Poorva Karma (Pre – Panchakarma Procedure)

The goal of poorva karma is to prepare the body tissues for cleansing and release of toxins. Thus, before the actual operation of purification begins, there is a need to prepare the body in prescribed methods to encourage the release of toxins.

Poorva karma included two procedures:

Snehana: Snehana is also called abhyanga (oil massage). In this procedure, oil is used. The professional and experienced therapist apply the oil on the complete body with an effective massage type. This massage helps to move toxins in the direction of the gastrointestinal tract.

Swedana:  Swedana is fomentation.

The toxins which are made soft in the oleation process become thinner here. The soft toxins which are made via oleation process become thinner here. The sever and deep-rooted toxins are made soften with the help of Snehana process and then they are liquified by fomentation to remove from the body via sweat eventually.

2. Pradhana Karma (The main purification process)

Vamana: Vamana is one of the panchakarma treatments for Kapha predominating disorders. By completely preparing the individual about 5 to 7 days via poorvakarmas, the therapeutically induced vomiting is done by providing emetic drugs orally with different types of medicinal liquids. The subject is allowed to vomit all the contents of the stomach.

Virechanam: If you are suffering from pita predominating disorders then Virechanam is the most effective Panchakarma treatment. After making the individual ready for the treatment via poorvakarmas for around 5 to 7 days virechanam process is done via oral administration of laxative herbs. It helps in secreting pitta accumulated in the gall bladder, liver and small intestine.

Nasya: Nasal administration of medicine through nasal route. The nose is the most important part of the body. It’s the best way for the brain as well as a doorway to consciousness. With the help of this process, we cleanse and strengthen the nasal passage, so an individual can breathe completely and without any hassle. 

Vasthi: Vasthi means enema therapy. Vasthi is one of the panchakarma treatment for Vata predominating disorders.

Raktamoksham: If the diseases in the body are resulting via aggravation of toxins in the blood then this treatment plays an important role. It is done with needles, leeches or suction cups. This treatment is very good for treating eczema, psoriasis, infections gout etc.

3. Paschat Karma (Post-Operative Care)

Paschat karma means after care, In this certain precautions are taken after finishing the main procedures to get the full benefit of panchakarma. It includes certain rejuvenating and rasayana therapy, lifestyle management, diet management, intake of herbal supplements etc.

  • Sansarjan Karma ( Food therapy after detox)
  • Rasayana chikitsa ( Rejuvenation therapy)
  • Shaman chikitsa ( The pacification therapy with herbs and life style management)


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