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Diseases and Treatments

Ayurvedic treatments is an ancient practice that is considered as the best natural form of healing that originated some 5,000 years ago.

Ayurvedic treatments as we all know is a natural process to cure, heal and improve the mental, physical and emotional condition of human beings. With the help of Ayurveda, an individual can easily understand the changes occurring in the body. This method can change life completely and can provide a healthy and peaceful lifestyle as well as daily life.

Back Pain Treatments

Many people are suffering from spine problems and this can completely break a person because the spine is the most crucial foundation on which the complete body stands. What we mostly come across are spine issues due to a sedentary lifestyle. Ayurveda prescribed a wide range of treatment methods to cure ailments for back pain, it depends on conditions.

Digestive Problems

A healthy digestive system can keep you safe from different diseases. Generally, the thing we eat passes through different digestive processes that allow us to digest the important nutrients and nourishing elements. Ayurveda concept Agni ie digestive fire correction is the main treatment principle.

Obesity Treatment

Obesity is  accumulation  of  excessive  fat  in  the body  which  may  lead  to  negative effect  on health. A major proportion of cardiovascular    diseases,  diabetes   mellitus,

osteoarthritis   and   possibly   some   types   of cancers may be attributed to obesity. It is considered as “Santarpanotthavikar”i.e which occurs  imbalance  of  calories  intake  and  expenditure resulting in fat accumulation in the body.Obesity for instance is believed to be due to kapha predominance, leading to excessive eating and thereby obesity. There are various herbs that are used in treatment of weight loss. The Ayurveda treatment included MedoharaKapha pacifying drugs, Vatanuloman and lifestyle and diet modifications.

Women Health Treatments

Ayurveda is regarded to most ancient systems of the herbal remedies found in India, and it offers some of the most significant and useful herbs to help boost women’s health and hormone regulation. Several natural herbs that aid the women in finding the natural rhythm of the body, which is closely associated with nature.

Neck Pain Treatments

Computers, working stations, all work on table-tops and for add on watching TV in improper position, reading while sleeping and many other causes are there which are adding extra stiffness to the neck of human beings so pain in neck is increasing day by day. Ayurveda treatment along  with yoga help in neck stiffness and pain and neurological complications.