Obesity Treatments (Weight Loss Treatments)

What is obesity?

Obesity is the most common nutritional disorder of the modern age. It is characterized by excess accumulation of fat in the body. Continuous indulgence in high fat, fried foods, along with a sedentary lifestyle results in excessive fat getting blocked in various body channels. Obesity in turn causes a number of metabolic disturbances such as hypertension, diabetes, irregular digestion etc. It can affect social life too. Overweight, if not controlled, can lead to be obesity.

Are you obese?

Obesity is a condition when the BMI (Body Mass Index) of a person lies above 30. Just take the ratio of body weight (in kgs) and the square of the person’s height (in mts) to get the BMI. BMI of 25 to 29.9 indicates that the person is overweight and it is better to exercise proper measures for weight loss and health maintenance at this stage. BMI of 30 and above indicates obesity.

Ayurveda Weight Loss Treatment-UDWARTHANA

There are remedies in Ayurveda which help the individuals for weight loss and to maintain health for people who are obese or overweight. Deep, dry massages with herbal powders and pastes (Udwarthanam), synchronized massage with specific oils (Abhyanga), and herbal steam bath helps mobilize the accumulated fat; whereas specially designed diet and yoga programs prevent its further accumulation. Appropriate Panchakarma therapies are also administered based on the requirement of the individual. These are carried out based on the practitioner’s recommendations and in the presence of experts. Dhanurasana, bhujangasana, shalabasana, Ardhamatsyendrasana, Trikonasana and Vajrasana are few of the asanas or yoga postures for losing extra fat. This will be more effective when practiced with pranayama and proper diet. Walking and regular exercise helps in maintaining good health. Proper Obesity treatment reduces the risk of many critical conditions such as heart disease, liver damage, Diabetes, Arthritis and kidney problem.

Osteoarthritis was long considered a natural effect of aging, the result of gradual exhausting down of cartilage. The source of osteoarthritis is much more multiplex than simple wear and tear. external factors, such as injury can initiate chronic cartilage crash. slowness and excess weight can also trigger the problem or make it worse. Generative factors can affect how quickly it gets worse.