Snehapanam Ayurvedic Treatment

Sneha is the Sanskrit word for Ghee/Oil and Panam means to drink. The process literally translates to mean oral intake of ghee or oil where the dosage keeps on increasing for specific number of days depending upon the digestive power of the patient. It is a prerequisite to the Panchkarma therapy and aims at purifying the internals of the body.

Depending on the intensity of the ailment the process is carried out once daily on an empty stomach. During the entire duration of the treatment no other medicines are to be ingested. A strict diet too needs to be followed which is decided by the experts.

Snehapanam is done in the morning after attending to the calls of nature, on an empty stomach. The medicine & dosage will depend on the health, age, diagnosed illness and digestive capacity of the patients.

The treatment lasts between three to seven days depending on the condition of the patient and the illness being treated. It is helpful in cleaning the intestine and also beneficial for expelling of Amas-toxic materials from patient’s body.


  • Psoriasis
  • Skin Diseases & Rashes
  • Piles, Constipation
  • Peptic Ulcer
  • Digestive Disorders
  • Urinary Disorders
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Diabetes, Gout & Epilepsy